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All posts by Monarch Dental

Missing teeth_monarch dental_vadodara

Missing Teeth and Hidden Risks: What You Need to Know

Missing tooth or teeth cost you much more than just your appearance. They are much more than only a cosmetic problem. Whether you are missing a single tooth or several teeth, it is bound to increase your risks of long-term oral health issues.

Let’s look at the types of hidden health risks associated with tooth loss:

  1. The remaining teeth surrounding the missing tooth or teeth gradually start shifting into the spaces left open. Such changes often need to be rectified by orthodontic treatments which may be more expensive and time-consuming as compared to the teeth restoring dental procedures.
  2. Unnatural shifting of teeth as mentioned above can also cause additional bite problems and even in some cases severe pain in the Temporomandibular Joint or TMJ.
  3. The vacant spaces created due to missing teeth increase the risk of gum diseases. Food particles easily accumulate in these areas, and the site soon becomes a breeding ground for harmful bacteria which may lead to plaque and tartar development. If left untreated for long, this can eventually result in serious gum diseases.
  4. The ability to chew and speak can be severely impaired if you are missing several teeth. If this isn’t treated immediately, it can cause further health complications. For instance, if the food is not chewed properly, it will not enter your system as it usually should. As a result of which the digestion can suffer. The inability to eat raw fruits and vegetables can devoid your body of essential nutrition which may result in poor general health.
  5. Tooth loss is inevitably followed by loss of jaw bone. The gradual deterioration of jaw bones affects the facial structure as it is instrumental in determining how the face ‘drapes’ over this bone. This results in what is commonly known as a sagging face which gives an older appearance. This may lead to lower self-esteem and decreased confidence, especially in public settings.

So, what are the options to replace missing teeth? Dental implants are one of the most commonly preferred options when it comes to addressing the problem of missing teeth. Here’s why:

  • Dental implants help prevent bone loss as they are made of titanium – a material which has a unique ability to fuse with the living bone. Hence, it eventually becomes a permanent part of the jaw bone. The implants stabilize and stimulate the bone to help maintain its density and volume.
  • They feel and function in a way similar to the natural teeth.
  • Dental implant surgery has a much higher rate of success as compared to other tooth replacement dental procedures.
  • Depending on the oral care, patient’s bone health, experience of the oral surgeon who performs the dental implant surgery, etc., dental implants can last for a lifetime.

Besides dental implants, bridges and dentures are also used for tooth replacement. These options, however, involve some amount of risk as they may cause damage to the adjacent teeth or the anatomical structures on which they rest. For instance, fixed dental bridges depend for support on two adjacent teeth which must be filed down and capped. This can make the filed teeth prone to decay, cavities or even root canal issues. In case of removable partial dentures, anchorage onto existing teeth is required. This may loosen the existing teeth over a period of time. Whereas, full dentures might put pressure on the bony ridges that support the teeth. This increases the chances of accelerated bone loss.

Both these options may be less expensive as compared to dental implant surgery. However, dental implants are an investment worth making, given its long-term and more beneficial results.

We at Monarch Dental Clinic in Vadodara, offer exceptional and highly customized services for tooth or teeth restorations. To know more about how you can benefit from improved oral health and a flawless smile, get in touch with us today.  

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Dental Implants

Dental Implants or Dental Bridges: What Should You Choose?

Poor oral hygiene, injury to teeth, gum diseases – the reasons for missing tooth or teeth can be many. Tooth or teeth replacement options have considerably evolved thanks to technological advancements in restorative dentistry. Dental implants and dental bridges are two such options which are commonly used for replacing tooth or teeth. Let’s understand what these are and the advantages they offer.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants offer a strong foundation for fixed or removable replacement teeth. They are essentially replacement tooth roots and are made to match the natural teeth. They offer several advantages:

• Enhanced facial appearance
• Improved speech, oral health, and confidence
• Better Bite
• Convenience
• Long-lasting results

What are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are used as bridges to close the gap created by one or several missing teeth. The dental bridge is made up of two or more crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap. The two or more anchoring teeth are known as abutment teeth, with false tooth or teeth in between known as pontics. Dental bridges are supported by implants or natural teeth. Bridges help restore your smile and the ability to properly chew and speak, help maintain the natural shape of the face, distribute the forces in bite and assist the remaining teeth to keep their natural position.

Even though both dental implants and bridges seem to offer similar advantages, dental implants are preferred more. Let’s take a look at the underlying reasons.  

Why Choose Dental Implants over Bridges?

1.When a tooth is missing, the jawbone in that area starts shrinking which can affect the adjacent teeth as well as the surrounding teeth. Dental implants prevent this and promote bone growth, which helps preserve the facial structure.

2. Dental implants closely resemble natural teeth when it comes to feel and function. This is because the titanium implant replicates the restoring form, function, and durability of the tooth root.

3. In the case of dental implants, there is no risk of tooth decay as opposed to bridges. Implants are also relatively easy to keep clean as simple floss can easily get around the implant. They don’t require any particular cleaning devices or equipment or any extra efforts when it comes to oral care.

4. Bridges sit above the gum in the space where the tooth is missing. Whereas, dental implants are fixed into the jaw bone which offers natural stimulation with chewing actions. This provides protection and strength to the jaw bone which lies beneath the missing tooth and hence prevents the undesirable effects of bone loss commonly seen in patients with bridges. Implants also promote healthy bone growth and reinforce the jawbone which in turn helps to maintain the facial jawline.

5. The success rate of dental implants is much higher as compared to dental bridges. It varies depending on their location in the jaw. However, in general, dental implants have a much higher success rate of up to 98%.

6. The quality of the implants, patient’s bone health, oral hygiene, the experience of the restorative dentists or oral surgeons performing the dental implant surgery, etc. help determine the longevity of the dental implants. Mostly, dental implants last for a lifetime if they are cared for as prescribed by the dentist. Besides, all the dental implants come with a lifetime warranty. So, with dental implants, you can flaunt a healthy smile for years to come.

If you are looking for one of the best dental clinics in Vadodara for dental implants, get in touch with us at Monarch Dental Clinic. We offer exceptional services to help you get that perfectly healthy and gorgeous smile of your dreams.  

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root canal treatment

What You need to know about Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal treatment is used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or infected. Dentists perform this treatment when the tooth pulp, which is composed of nerves and blood vessels, is infected or damaged. During the treatment, the pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed.

Symptoms Pointing Towards Root Canal Treatment

  • Severe Tooth Pain
    Severe tooth pain that persists for extended periods of time requires a root canal treatment. This pain may be due to the pulp dying or being abscessed or infected at the tip of the tooth. This pain may even radiate into your ears, jaw or temple areas.
  • Inflammation of Gums

    If you feel any pain when touching or biting down the tooth, it could be due to an inflammation of infection at the root tip. The tip would feel the pressure of being pressed down into its socket and irritate the root area. If the gums are swollen or painful around the painful tooth, it may show signs of a needed root canal treatment.

  • Tooth Discoloration

    If you observe any kind of discoloration in any tooth as compared with the teeth alongside it, the root canal dentist might suggest a root canal surgery.

  • Extreme Tooth Sensitivity

    Sensitivity to heat or cold is a sign of the tooth pulp being severely damaged. If you feel the sensitivity even after the stimuli has been taken away, the dentist might suggest a root canal treatment.

3 Instances When You Might Need Root Canal Treatment

  1. Deep Decay

    Decay of a tooth occurs when bacteria living inside the mouth produce enough acid to eat away at the teeth. If you don’t treat cavities on time, the minor decay may turn into deep decay causing infection, extreme pain and even tooth loss. The decay may go unnoticed at first and affect only the outer enamel of the teeth, but overtime the decay will progress to the deeper layers of tooth, eventually damaging the pulp.

  2. Trauma to the Tooth

    Trauma of any kind, like cracks and fractures to the tooth, may lead to a root canal procedure. Minor cracks can be repaired using tooth-colored bonding material, however, the more severe cracks and chips may require root canal treatment in addition to bonding. The treatment would be necessary if the damage to the tooth has extended
    into the pulp.

  3. Abscessed Tooth

    Tooth abscesses are pockets of pus caused by a bacterial infection. A periapical abscess occurs at the tip of the root and usually occurs as a result of an untreated dental cavity, an injury or prior dental work; a periodontal abscess occurs in the gums next to a tooth root.

Many people fear a root canal treatment assuming it would be very painful, however, the procedure itself is no more painful than having a filling placed. In fact, the discomfort experienced in the period leading up to seeking the dental care is really painful but not the procedure itself. Dr. Aesha Patel specializes in single sitting root canal, which means that you not only save time and money but you can no longer have to dread multiple visits to the clinic.

If you need a root canal, want to inquire about the root canal treatment cost or book an appointment, contact us at Monarch Dental Clinic.

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Tobacco and Dental Health: The Effects of Tobacco Use on Oral Health

China consumes and produces more tobacco than any other country in the world. The next country in line is India. According to the WHO Global Report on Mortality, about 35 per cent of Indians over the age of 15 use tobacco and over 10 lakh Indians die every year from tobacco-related diseases. Although the consumption of tobacco has declined over the past 2-3 years, the north-eastern states of India have been reported to have the highest consumption of tobacco in India.

Most of us know that tobacco consumption is harmful to health. A lot has been written about the effects of tobacco on health. Here we’ll talk about tobacco effects on our oral health. Some of the common oral health issues are as follows:

  • Bad Breath

The smoke particles left behind after smoking a cigarette stay in the mouth for quite some time leading to bad breath, which is commonly called stale smoker’s breath. Smoking or chewing tobacco also decreases the flow of saliva. Dry mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria thereby causing bad breath.

  • Tooth Discoloration

Nicotine is easily absorbed by your teeth. Although nicotine is colourless, it combines with oxygen to change the colour of the teeth from white to yellow. In people who chew tobacco, the nicotine combines with saliva to form a dark brown liquid which when allowed to stay in the mouth for long can stain the enamel.

  • Gum Disease

Smoking or chewing tobacco affects the attachment of the gums to the teeth. This is because the plaque formed near the gum line interferes with the gum tissue cells leaving your immune system compromised and making it harder for your body to fight off infections. The presence of nicotine reduces the blood flow to the gums, thus making you susceptible to oral infections. Particles left behind in the mouth increases the symptoms of dry mouth, providing an optimum environment for the bacteria to proliferate and cause inflammation. Tobacco use also affects the bone structure of the mouth as well as gum recession. These factors can increase your risk of jaw bone infection, which may lead to loss of teeth.

  • Lowered Success Rate of Dental Implants

A cosmetic procedure, such as dental implants, rely on having healthy, adequate bone in place to support the teeth. In smoker or tobacco users since the immune system is compromised the healing process take longer than usual. The same is the case if the tooth is extracted or if an oral surgery is performed. The recovery time is delayed.

  • Increased Chances of Developing Oral Cancer

Tobacco consumption contributes to 80 to 90% of diagnosed oral cancers. Therefore, mouth/jaw cancer is the number one reason why you should quit smoking or chewing tobacco. Although, tobacco causes many other health issues, they are less life threatening than cancer. Tobacco finds its way to the glands of your mouth and is easily filtered into your mouth tissues. Constant use of tobacco means constant absorption and filtration into the system making way for mouth cancer to spawn.

How to save yourself from facing these oral health issues? The answer is simple, just quit smoking or chewing tobacco. Here’s how you can overcome this habit:

  1. Make a plan to quit the habit

You need to have a plan in place because with a plan handy it is easier to stay focused and motivated to quit. You can build your own plan or research online for a quit plan that’ll work for you.  

  1. Stay busy

Being busy is a great way to distract your mind and keep it occupied. Some of the activities you should try to keep you busy are:

  • Exercise
  • Movie or dinner with non-smoking friends and family
  • Walk
  • Chew gum
  • Take deep breaths
  • Drink lots of water
  1. Stay away from triggers

People, things, places, and situations are your triggers that make you give in to your urge to consume tobacco. Here are some tips to stay away from the triggers:

  • Get rid of cigarettes, lighters, and ash trays or anything that remotely reminds you of tobacco.
  • Caffeine can make you jittery. Avoid it, try drinking water instead.
  • Rest well and eat healthy.
  1. Stay positive

Quitting doesn’t happen in a day. The best approach to take is one day at a time. Most importantly, stay positive. Prepare your mind to quit first. Set a date and stick to it.

  1. Ask for help from family and friends

Sometimes it gets difficult to rely solely on your willpower. Let your friends and family in. Ask them to support you on your plan to quit. Let them know what kind of support you’ll need from them. They can be a solid support, especially when you are going through a rough phase.

If you’ve been smoking or chewing tobacco, it’s time to visit the best dentist in Vadodara to get a full analysis of your dental health, and determine the issues that have affected your teeth and gums. Schedule an appointment with us at Monarch Dental Clinic today!

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world health day

How is Oral Health Important to General Health?

The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that every individual on this planet should have a right to the highest possible level of health. Their vision of ‘Health for All’ has been the driving force of supporting countries in moving towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC). WHO is celebrating World Health Day on April 7, 2018, wherein they want to emphasize the importance of general health. And, we at Monarch Dental Clinic in Vadodara, Gujarat want to do our part by offering free dental consultation to all for the entire month of April 2018!

A healthy body forms the basis of your well-being and defines how well you will age. Maintaining an active life through exercise and proper nutrition results in a strong immune system. It increases mental alertness, elevates mood and reduces chronic disease risk as well. However, many people tend to overlook one key factor that affects the overall health — their oral health.

Why is Oral Health Important to Overall Health

Dental health is absolutely essential to your overall physical as well as psychological health. Keeping the mouth and teeth healthy helps in enhancing social interaction and builds self-esteem — apart from enabling nutrition of the physical body. It won’t be an exaggeration to say that the mouth is a ‘window’ to your overall health and provides indicators of general health disorders. For example:

  • Pale or bleeding gums point towards blood disorders
  • Mouth lesions may be the first signs of HIV infection
  • Bone loss in the lower jaw could be an early indicator of skeletal osteoporosis
  • Aphthous ulcers usually are a result of Coeliac disease or Crohn’s disease
  • Changes in tooth appearance indicate eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia
  • It is possible to detect the presence of various compounds, such as alcohol, drugs, nicotine, hormones, opiates, antibodies and environmental toxins, in the saliva.

Just like any area of the body, bacteria are present in the mouth as well. Most of these bacteria are harmless and can be kept under control by good oral hygiene and through our body’s natural defenses. However, without proper oral hygiene and dental care, these bacteria can reach high levels leading to oral infections, like tooth decay and gum disease.

The bacteria may also cause infection in other parts of the body when the immune system gets compromised due to some diseases or medical treatments such as infective endocarditis. Numerous periodontal diseases (gum diseases) are also associated with systemic conditions. Treatments for these systematic conditions impact oral health and cause symptoms like reduced saliva flow and an altered balance of oral microorganisms.

Importance of Regular Dental Check-Ups

Regular brushing and flossing are good dental hygiene practices that everyone must follow on a daily basis. Along with that, getting regular dental check-ups is important for maintaining optimal oral hygiene.

Here are a few reasons why you should book an appointment with the dentist today:

  • Dental examinations help in identifying problems before they get worse.
  • Not every dental problem involves a toothache. There could be times when the biggest oral problems go undetected and it is generally too late when they become painful. By this point, even the damage gets very extensive. Getting regular dental X-rays help in detecting these issues.
  • Dental check-ups include a screening for oral cancer, thus allowing the dentists to identify early stages of cancer, if any.

Now that you know the importance of dental hygiene to your overall health, don’t wait to get your free consultation at Monarch Dental Clinic in Vadodara. In support of WHO and to do our part in “Health for All’ we are offering a free consultation for everyone for the entire month of April 2018. Call +917016730440 to book your appointment today!

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Dental tourism India

Why Should You Consider Visiting India for Dental Care and Treatment?

While seeking dental care, two important factors you consider are the quality of treatment and its cost-effectiveness. With the rise in medical costs across the western world, many people find it more appealing to travel to exotic locations for dental tourism, combining a vacation with dental treatment!

Dental Tourism in India

India has become the hub for dental tourism in recent years, especially among NRIs looking for affordable dental care which is high-quality.

Around 150,000 people travel to India from around the world every year for medical treatment and dental care.
In the past couple of years, medical tourism in India has risen from approximately US $310 million to US $2 billion per year.

Here’s why you should visit India for dental tourism:

  • Lower Treatment Cost – There’s a vast difference between medical costs in India and western countries, and dental treatment is no exception. Here’s a quick comparison of some common procedures:

    Dental fillings can cost up to $300-$400 in the U.S. and European countries, but only $20-$40 in India.
    You can pay up to $3000 for a root canal and $1000 for dentures in the U.S., while these cost only $100-$200 in India.

    While teeth whitening can cost anywhere from $350 to $800 in U.S., you will only pay about $110 in India.
    Many dental and medical procedures in India are even more affordable than those in Thailand and other international medical travel destinations. Besides, clinics in India, especially like ours, value and obey strict guidelines and regulations that don’t allow for poor treatment conditions.

  • High Standards – Lower wage rates in India make it possible for dental health procedures to be wrapped up at cheaper rates, without any compromises in terms of quality. Many clinics and hospitals in the country are accredited by authorities such as the JCI and NABH, offering specialized medical services that meet the highest international standards.

  • Air Connectivity – Various major airlines connect to Indian cities where the best hospitals are located. Tour operators can make the necessary arrangements if required, making travel easier and keeping expenses in check. Even if you need to fly from one city to another, the high-quality and budget-friendly dental health treatment makes it all worthwhile.
  • Language Barrier – Unlike some other medical tourism destinations, India has a large English-speaking population. Any good clinic in the country will have doctors and staff who can answer every query or problem you may face. In certain hospitals, translators are also provided for international visitors who speak European or Middle Eastern languages.
  • Tourism and Alternate Medicine – India’s rich culture and heritage offers unforgettable experiences for international tourists. Along with tourist attractions, it’s also the home of alternative health and wellness solutions such as Yoga and Ayurveda. If you’re considering dental treatment abroad, India will fulfil both your dental health and leisure travel goals!

At Monarch Dental Clinic, we offer a wide range of dental services including implants, teeth whitening, cosmetic dentistry, and more. Our clinic in Vadodara is equipped with the latest technologies and certified by reputed international medical commissions. If you’re visiting family in India or looking for affordable dental tourism options abroad, contact us today at +917623840423 and we can help you and guide you in planning your trip as well!

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Flaunt a Sparkling Smile This Festive and Wedding Season

You follow a good dental routine all year round but maintaining your oral health can get challenging during the festive season as well as the wedding season that follows. This is the time that is loaded with the goodness of rich, savory snacks and sugary delights. This year don’t let your sweet tooth take a toll on your teeth and gums.

Keep your teeth healthy and smile beautiful to look your best during the festivities. Follow these 5 tips for healthy teeth even with delicious treats all around:

  1. Be Cautious of Your Sugary Cravings and Snack Smart
    This is common sense, really. If sugar is bad for your teeth and gums, piling into sweets, chocolates and candies is not going to do your oral health any good. To prevent tooth decay and cavities, limit your intake of sugary and sticky foods, especially if you wear braces.
  2. Maintain a Dental Routine
    Brushing your teeth twice a day is a crucial part of good dental health, especially when you’re eating sweets. It reduces the formation of dental plaque or bacterial buildup on your teeth and gums, which is the leading cause of tooth decay and gum disease.
  3. Use Tools Instead of Your Teeth
    If you’re tempted to use your teeth to strip electrical wires, hold nails while hanging up decorations, or cut knots in packaging, don’t. Teeth are not meant to be used in place of tools, so protect them from harm and give them the care they deserve!
  4. Drink a Lot of Water
    Water helps you stay hydrated when you’re rushing around to finish pre-Diwali chores, or running last minute errands during wedding prep, but it also keeps your mouth healthy. Drink a glass of plain water to remove food remnants after indulging in sweets or snacks, especially if you can’t brush right away.
  5. Make an Appointment With Us to Look Your Best!
    It’s a good idea to get a dental checkup before the festive season starts. You can receive treatment for any dental health issues before they get serious, and your dentist will also be able to advise you on special precautions or oral hygiene tips to follow. Stay prepared for the festivities by keeping your teeth in their best shape. Schedule an appointment with us and we will make sure you look your best and confidently flaunt your new smile this festive season where the glamour quotient needs to be at its maximum.
  6. Let Your Smile Create an Impact with Teeth Whitening
    At Monarch Dental Clinic in Vadodara, we can make you smile more radiant with our effective teeth whitening treatment that can not only remove stains but also restore any lost teeth structure to create an appealing smile.
  7. Look Younger Than You Are with Our Cosmetic Treatments
    Reverse the signs of aging and take years off your face with our cosmetic treatments that has proven efficacy in correcting fine lines, wrinkles, and aging skin. The treatments are minimally invasive, safe and works wonders to make you look younger.
  8. Flash Your Pearly Whites with Smile Designing
    We offer a plethora of personalized dental treatments to improve your smile. From composite fillings to dental veneers to braces, every treatment approach is customized to rectify every oral flaw and give you a perfect smile.

The wedding season follows the festivities of Diwali so now is the time to schedule an appointment at Monarch Dental Clinic and be the center of attention with that perfect smile and youthful glow! Call +917016730440 now and make your desired change happen.

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teeth whitening

When Do You Actually Need Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening products are becoming more popular every day, and they’re often marketed as the quickest and least invasive method of smile enhancement. However, you need to consider the potential complications and damage that you may be causing to your teeth, before deciding whether you really need to whiten them.

What Are the Main Causes of Tooth Discoloration?

Teeth can get discolored or stained for a wide range of reasons, including diet, dental hygiene, medication and even aging. Even if you take good care of your teeth, they will start changing color at some point in your life.

There are two types of tooth discoloration:

  • Intrinsic Stains – These form on tooth interiors, due to trauma, exposure to minerals or excessive fluoride, ageing, etc. They can sometimes be improved with supervised teeth whitening treatments, but may require veneers or other cosmetic dentistry solutions.
  • Extrinsic Stains – These form on tooth surfaces, due to wear and tear, exposure to dark foods and beverages, tobacco, etc. They usually improve with regular brushing and professional dental cleaning, and become worse if you neglect your oral hygiene.

Can Over-the-Counter Whitening Products Help?

Over-the-counter whitening products only go so far in removing stains from your teeth. Most whitening toothpaste contain tiny abrasives that gently scrub the surface of your teeth. These can reduce the formation of external stains to some degree.

Bleaching products such as strips, gels and rinses, on the other hand, generally contain hydrogen peroxide. Most dentists don’t recommend at-home bleaching, because there’s a high risk of tooth sensitivity, enamel damage and gum irritation, especially if you don’t do it exactly right.

Is Professional Tooth Whitening the Right Answer?

You can get in-office bleaching performed by a dentist, but as with any other bleaching product, the complications may not be worth the trouble or expense. Don’t go in expecting miracles either!

Teeth whitening procedures will not leave you with pearly white teeth, but only make the surface of your teeth one or two shades lighter. The results are different for each person since some stains can be more easily removed than others. The procedure can also make your teeth more porous and sensitive, especially if you do it too often.

You also need to consider how whitening will work if you have fillings, crowns or other restorations, since these may not be affected the same way as your natural tooth.

Are There Any Other Solutions?

Professional teeth cleaning performed by a dentist is often all it takes to remove external or extrinsic stains. In addition, it can also remove built-up tartar, a form of hardened plaque, which toothbrushing cannot. It’s a good idea to get dental cleanings every 6 months, for better oral health and a brighter smile.

Ask your dentist about veneers or dental bonding if you’re really concerned about the way your teeth look. These cosmetic dentistry solutions offer better results over the long term, without the complications that bleaching may cause to your teeth. If you feel you must get teeth whitened, save it for right before a special occasion such as a wedding.

At Monarch Dental Clinic, we can help you keep your teeth in great shape. Contact us to learn how cosmetic dentistry solutions can help you get the smile of your dreams!

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Monarch Dental Service provided

Apologies for the Radio Silence, and a Quick Update

It seems like forever since our last post here, hasn’t it?

We’re sorry for not posting any updates for such a long time, but we were completely swamped with events and new endeavors over the last few months. With so much happening, there was no time to share news or updates (at least while they took place, but better late than never!).

We’d like to make up for that today, since we’re celebrating our 3rd anniversary this month. We have some time to breathe and look back at everything we’ve done. We want to share our achievements with you, the people who made all this possible.

So, here’s a quick update about what we’ve been up to, as well as some milestones we’re particularly proud of:

We Opened a New Clinic near Vadodra, in Muval

Yes, we now have a new clinic at Muval!

In keeping with the vision, style and standards of Monarch Dental Clinic, our new facility is fully equipped with the best of modern dental technology, courteous and professional staff as well as world-class interiors.

We Received ISO 9001:2015 Certification

Monarch Dental Clinic received certification under the ISO Quality Management System, in recognition of our commitment to stringent quality. For us, this means an ongoing promise to deliver the highest standards of excellence.

We Were Nominated for the Famdent Awards

We’re proud to say that we received three nominations for the prestigious Famdent Excellence in Dentistry Awards, under the categories Dental Website of the Year, Clinic Interiors of the Year and New Practice of the Year.

We Were in Korea for an Implant Education Program

Earlier this year, our very own Dr. Mihir Patel received a certificate for participation in the Advanced Implant Education Program of the 2017 Dentium Seoul Forum. The Program was organized by the Dentium Academy in Seoul.

We Trained for the Cosmetic Procedures

Dr. Mihir Patel completed the Botulinum Toxin and Dermal Fillers Hands-On Training Program for Healthcare Professionals conducted by AIOFE (Indian Academy of Facial Esthetics), on the proper use and administration of facial injectibles.

We Received a Sterilization Monitoring Certificate

Monarch Dental Clinic has received certification that all our sterilization equipment and procedures are routinely monitored by Tejas Labs, in technical consultation with the University of Louisville’s School of Dentistry.

Of Course, We’ve been Doing a LOT of Dental Work
We’ve helped a whopping total of 1100 patients achieve better dental health!

We’d love to see you at our clinic and hear from you online, so drop in at Monarch Dental Clinic, leave a comment here or use the contact form to request an appointment.

We’re also working on some new posts, so watch this space for more!

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pregnant women dental problem

What Dental Problems Can Women Face During Pregnancy?

The hormonal changes that take place when you’re pregnant may affect more than just your mood. They can also impact your teeth and gums, adding to the discomfort you already face. It’s important to take extra care of your oral health at this time, to keep both you and your baby healthy.

Knowing what to expect and how to handle it can help, so let’s look at 5 common dental issues women face during pregnancy:

  • Third Molar Problems – Pain or swelling may take place in the area near your wisdom teeth (third molars) due to hormonal changes or improper oral care. Partially-erupted wisdom teeth or crowding in the back of the mouth can also cause discomfort and raise the chance of tooth decay.

    Don’t ignore wisdom tooth pain, inflammation or other symptoms when you’re pregnant. Without timely treatment, you could end up dealing with a serious infection that threatens your health as well as the health of your baby, especially if it gets into your bloodstream.

  • Pregnancy Gingivitis – Gum swelling, tenderness, redness and bleeding are quite common during pregnancy, as a result of hormonal surges. These cause your body to respond more aggressively to bacterial toxins found in dental plaque, so it’s important to maintain proper oral hygiene and get regular checkups as well.

    Use a fluoridated toothpaste to brush your teeth twice a day, and make sure to floss your teeth daily as well. If your gums bleed while brushing or flossing, visit your dentist for a checkup right away. Untreated gingivitis can turn into serious periodontal disease, so follow your dentist’s instructions for dental cleaning and care.

  • Tooth Decay – Most pregnant women have cravings for sweet or sour foods, which increase the risk of tooth decay as well as sensitivity. In addition to frequent snacking, the acid exposure from morning sickness can also damage the protective enamel of your teeth, affecting your oral health tremendously.

    It’s essential to keep up with oral care and dental checkups throughout your pregnancy since tooth decay can lead to infection, tooth loss and other problems. If brushing or flossing causes you to vomit, rinse your mouth with clean water and try using a fluoridated mouthwash to minimize bacterial buildup.

  • Dental X-Rays – It’s best to avoid getting X-rays when you’re pregnant, even though today’s technology has made this process far safer than it used to be. Still, your dentist may need an X-ray of your mouth for diagnosing a problem, especially if you face a dental emergency.

    Modern diagnostic equipment is designed to minimize radiation exposure, and the X-ray technician or dentist will cover your abdomen with a protective leaded apron. Make sure they also shield your throat to protect your thyroid, and only get an X-ray if it’s absolutely necessary.

  • Antibiotics & Painkillers – You may need numbing medication for root canals, fillings or tooth extractions. These dental procedures can be performed under local anesthesia, which is completely safe for you and your baby. However, inform your dentist that you’re pregnant, so they give you just enough medication to keep you comfortable.

    Heavy painkillers, antibiotics, and other medication may harm your unborn baby, so avoid taking anything on your own without first discussing it with your dentist or physician. If possible, procedures that require general anesthesia should be scheduled for after your baby’s birth.

What a Dentist Suggests: Pre-Pregnancy Dental Checkup

If you schedule a complete dental examination and X-ray before getting pregnant, you can ensure that oral problems are diagnosed and treated in advance.

It’s safe to get dental cleanings during your pregnancy as well, which can help you prevent dental problems. Many other dental procedures can also be performed as normal, but it’s best to get them out of the way as early as possible. What are you waiting for? Call us at +917016730440 to schedule your checkup now!

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