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Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment

rootcanalstepsSingle Sitting Root Canal Treatment

We’ve all heard horrific tales of root canal procedures and perhaps you’re dreading your dentist appointment or have panic attacks whenever you see a spot on your teeth.

Take a deep breath and relax, because at the Monarch Dental Clinic we have a skilled and experienced team of experts backed by the latest technology, so your root canal is done and over with in just a single session!

Do You Need to Get a Root Canal?

If you face any of these symptoms regularly, it’s probably time to get in touch with one of our endodontist:

  • Severe tooth pain, especially in response to temperature changes. Pain could be spontaneous shooting-pains or throbbing aches
  • Teeth are tender and painful, especially when you’re chewing
  • Continuous pain for a while after eating or drinking anything cold
  • Tooth-pain that increases when you lie down and reduces once you sit up
  • Prominent swelling around the tooth
  • Increased sensitivity when you’re having sweets
  • If tooth pain spreads to your head or your ears

Root canal treatment or endodontic surgery is usually needed when the infection and tooth decay spreads to the nerve in the tooth, which usually leads to an abscess. An abscess can cause severe pain and tenderness in the affected tooth while biting, along with dangerous infections.

All of the symptoms listed above are common indicators of severe damage or infection that may require treatment. Get in touch with us to book an appointment, and one of our dentists will check it out, diagnose the problem and discuss treatments.

blood cell typesHow Do We Handle Single Sitting Root Canals?

At Monarch Dental Clinic, Dr. Aesha Patel is an expert in performing single sitting root canal treatments. We offer you the latest technology for single sitting root canal treatment, which is rapidly gaining immense popularity in dentistry. It is widely accepted as a faster procedure that eliminates the risk of any contamination of the tooth between appointments.

The treatment involves accessing the pulp chamber and locating the canals, which are thoroughly cleaned and shaped with endo instruments. The void is filled with gutta percha points and finally sealed off with special cement. The dentists in our clinic are very experienced and thoroughly skilled in using the latest technology for root therapy. We can save your original teeth and avoid the need for other costly procedures.

Before the Procedure

Once our dentist has analyzed your teeth and decides to proceed with a single sitting root canal treatment, he/she will locally numb the infected teeth area and take measures to prevent infections and contamination.

During the Procedure

Once the tooth has been numbed, the procedure to gain access to the nerve starts. The root canal, pulp chamber and their surrounding areas are cleaned with root canal files to remove any debris and bacteria. Once your tooth and root canals are dry and clean, the interior is filled in and sealed with biocompatible material like gutta purcha points. The tooth cavity itself is then filled with a permanent tooth color composite filling material that is matched with the rest of your teeth.

After the Procedure

The treated tooth will likely be crowned after a few days. Some tenderness in the teeth is likely and you may be prescribed anti-inflammatory and analgesic medication for it. After the procedure, our doctors will guide you through the recovery process and any necessary precautions you need to take.

Traditionally, this procedure would require three to four sittings, but Dr. Aesha Patel, our single sitting root canal specialist, can complete the procedure in just a single sitting, without compromising on your safety and time!

What is tooth decay?

When a tooth breaks down, forming a cavity, it’s called tooth decay. It begins with the damage of enamel which progresses, if not treated, and reaches the inner layers of the tooth to the pulp and nerves. This makes the tooth sensitive and gives rise to problems such as inflammation and swelling, pain, and ultimately falling of the tooth.

What are the causes of tooth decay?

Tooth decay is generally a result of improper oral hygiene i.e. not brushing properly, flossing or rinsing after meals. Unregulated diet of sweet food and drinks like aerated drinks, jam, marmalade and even potato chips are also responsible for tooth decay.

What is a root canal?

Root canals are very small, thin layers that start from the top pulp chamber and go till the tip of the root. There are 1-4 root canals in a tooth. The pulp chamber is the area below the tooth’s outer enamel and within the dentin. Pulp is made up of soft tissue which carries the tooth’s nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Treating the root canal area problems generally related to tooth decay is called root canal treatment.

How is Root Canal Treatment done?

After anaesthetising the area, the dentist makes an opening into the pulp chamber. After removing the unhealthy pulp, the canals are cleaned, shaped and widened, if required. After the infection is gone, the tooth is filled using special materials for root canal filling and sealed with a temporary filling, adding a post and core for structural support, using metal or porcelain crown for further protection.

How many sittings does root canal treatment require?

It needs 3-4 sittings normally; but under special circumstances, it can be done in a single sitting taking approximately 45 minutes.